In religious art St. Jude is traditionally portrayed carrying an image of Jesus in his hand or holding it close to his chest. This depiction is taken from a Biblical story in which the King Abgar, the ruler of Edessa, a city located in what is now known as Southeast Turkey, became inflicted with leprosy. Because of his illness, he asked Jesus for healing and sent out an artist to bring him a drawing of Jesus.
Abgar’s great faith impressed Jesus so much that he pressed his face into a cloth so that it could be taken to the king. He gave the cloth to St. Jude so that he could hand it over to Abgar. When the king saw Jesus’ image he was immediately cured from leprosy. He then converted to Christianity and the majority of the people under his rule followed.
The cloth that miraculously healed King Abgar is known today as the the Image of Edessa. This holy relic is all association with the world-renowned Shroud of Jesus which is currently on display in Turn, Italy.
Aside from the Image of Edessa, some portrayals of St. Jude Thaddeus also show him with a flame around his head which is symbolic of his presence at Pentecost in which he received the Holy Spirit together with the other apostles. He is also depicted holding an axe or club, a reminder of his martyrdom and other items such as a scroll or book symbolizing the Epistle of Jude or a carpenter’s rule.
St. Jude is the patron of